Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Damn it Obama Lead or Just get the Hell out of the Way

There was a saying that was popular when I was a young man, “Lead, follow or just get the hell out of the way!” That comment pretty much captures the Dimming-cats dilemma in this Special Olympics of a presidential election. Since the Commander In Chief’s office is no place for a follower I have shortened it a bit to fit the advice to a President. Not that I have any faith in electing The Faithful Oppositions’ Candidate, he is another simple tool with vast pretensions as far as I can see.

But where is the man of belief in the future and hope for all of the humans in this nation that I caught glimpses of during the last electoral event? Has the reality of the office so crushed Obama’s spirit that he is wandering in a desert of idealess angst? If that is the truth then he should resign as a candidate and leave the Dimocrats to find another leader. The prurient facts of his seduction of the people are not in his favor at this point. He promised a miracle of loaves and fishes but delivered something more like a limp fish six days dead for our consumption.

At moments there was a fierce kind of faith in the good of the nation that seemed to shine through due to Obama’s campaign’s premise in the last election. It was built on the dream that we, the people, all working together, could rebuild this great nation in spite of the eight years of cronyism, pretensions and divisiveness visited on us by the final Bush League President. Instead some of us have actually began to dream of that prior presidency as the best of times. That is happening in spite of the fact that it brought us all to our economic knees, and promulgated fear in everyone’s heart.

Not to belabor the point, but damn it Obama lead! Tell the people the truth about the agenda that the opposition is promoting. It is nothing less than economic servitude for the vast majority of the folks in this nation at its core. Of course in your short term as President you have served that agenda almost as well as they would have if they had sat in the oval office instead of you. Perhaps you are not the man we hoped that you were but you are now the only hope of this nation, so man up!!

The policies of your predecessor are to blame for much of what is happening here but no one cares if this is all his fault. Get on with running against Mitt Romney and leave George Bush to the historians. Romney is a flaccid pile of putrescence underneath that lily white exterior, expose his fallacies. Number one on the list is the idea that he ever built a business to create one single job in this nation. Nor did he rescue failing businesses in order to save jobs. He worked at Bain Capital for one reason, that was where the money was for him during his career in banking.

Yes the darling candidate was really an investment banker for his whole career. He worked toward one purpose, enriching himself and the other people at Bain. Perhaps an ad using Bane as the spelling of his company would look bad but it would at least be funnier than anything I have seen thus far in this comedy of follies you call a campaign.

I spent forty years of my life building small businesses and met hundreds of other men and women who became entrepreneurs during that time. Not one of us ever built a company to create jobs, we built them out of the challenge to our spirits.

We built them out of the dream of being our own boss even when we were working thousands of hours at less than minimum wage to get them started.

The dream of building something better than our rivals had was at the base of the best of our motivations. That competitive spirit led us to work the endless hours required. The dream of gaining wealth at the worst of our motives was all we had, nothing more complex moved us. We hired people to help us build our dreams and many of them built theirs alongside ours as they grew more and more accomplished in their contributions to those dreams.

Get serious! Mitt Romney posing as the savior of the middle class when his wealth was all derived from exploiting some weakness in the roots of middle class wealth. The middle class wealth we built was substantially derived from jobs and companies that his investment fund and thousands of others in the investment banking world destroyed or exported during their moment in the sun.

You need to grow a pair fast Mr. President to crib another saying from my misspent youth. Get your super hero costume on for real. In this election you must go out and fight the good fight for the nation. We elected you in a dream that you knew how to deliver hope for all those of us who are now captives of a devastated economy. Stand up and deliver! Else your place in history will be sadly bereft of accomplishment and disappointing for everyone including you.

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